Pastor James and Angie Sharp
serving the Lord as missionaries in Montevideo, Uruguay

Why Uruguay?
More than a century of secularization has left this historically Roman Catholic country with a minority of Christians. Almost 60% of Uruguayans do not believe in God or have any religious affiliation. Despite attempts to create alternatives to faith, most Uruguayans suffer in spiritual darkness.
The only answer that can bring real peace is the light of Christ.

Meet the Sharp Family
Pastor James and Angie Sharp serve the Lord as missionaries of The Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod (LCMS) in Uruguay.
Working together as partners with the Lutheran Church of Uruguay (ILdU), James plants new churches and identifies and trains local leaders. Angie serves in educational ministries, teaching in the Lutheran school as well as training educational leaders and creating content for educational and children’s ministries. She also teaches English as an outreach to the local community.

You Can Help
Pray for the Sharps as they serve in Uruguay. Pray God gives them wisdom as they navigate cultural differences. Ask God to guide them so they may effectively communicate the Gospel in this secular country. Pray for the Sharp children, that they would grow in their faith in Jesus despite living in an unbelieving country.
You can help support the Sharps as they bring the Gospel to the people of Uruguay. Every gift makes a difference.
Contact the Sharps
Let us know what you think, tell us you are praying for us, or ask to receive our newsletter!